Sept 23 Litter Pickup Event nets over 3700 Pounds of Trash

By Mary Lueking

On September 23, there was a litter pickup event under the I-15 overpass on Penasquitos Creek, at the Eastern end of our preserve. Volunteers went both directions from the starting point on the Trans County Trail to search for trash. The event was sponsored by the non-profit I Love a Clean San Diego (ILACSD) and managed by Park Ranger Aide Megan Delaney of the Los Penasquitos Ranger District.

According to Ranger Delaney, over 160 volunteers showed up to assist and picked up an amazing 3712 pounds of trash including tires, car doors, refrigerators, and more. A similar event on April 22 at the same location had 130 volunteers and picked up 3411 pounds of trash.

According to the ILACSD website, “Today, our nonprofit is on a mission to create zero waste lifestyles and zero litter throughout San Diego County. ILACSD serves about 100,000 students, adults and businesses every year by providing environmental education, volunteer cleanup and beautification programs, and recycling and zero waste solutions. On average, the organization hosts over 900 workshops and produces 600 community cleanups each year. Community cleanups are responsible for clearing nearly half a million pounds of pollution from the region annually. ILACSD is dedicated to empowering every person to be a leader in conservation and waste-free living in order to protect and improve the health of the home we love.”

To get involved in future events in our area, go to the ILACSD website ( for dates, locations, and to sign up. In addition, here are a couple of additional litter pickup events in and around the preserve:

  • Cara Knott Oak Memorial Garden for Victims of Violence needs volunteers for a light cleanup each month. The memorial is on Cara Knott Way, just a few yards east of I-15 and north of Scripps Poway Parkway. They just trim around the area, fix up the memorials, paint over graffiti, etc. The work with their local Lions Club but they are always looking for more volunteers. If anyone is interested, contact Jim Knott at

  • Ranger Megan Delaney’s litter pickups on November 4 and 11. Contact Ranger Delaney at to sign up to help.


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